Thursday, April 29, 2010

Water Pollution

This photo shows water pollution.

Land Pollution & Soil Pollution

These pictures are examples of soil and land pollution.

Air Pollution & Noise Pollution

These pictures shows how industrial plants polluted the air. The train is an example of noise pollution.


When growing up my family always told me that I better not litter. I started polluting when I was about 10 years old. During my Capstone journey I learned a variety of facts that I can use now and in the future when it comes to pollution. I have learned that its not good to litter, because it will cause problems. Making smart decisions are a big impact in my life because if I keep polluting the world will be worst er than now.

I learned many things when my research paper was completed. Such as, pollution can cause health problems and other problems. Also, All types of pollution have effects on the community and the world. It can cause skin problems that are often diagnosed due to land pollution The part of my project that I am most proud of is my research paper because it took some time to put the best information I found together. Also, it took several of times to get my words and sentences correct, as well as, my paragraphs and topics. For some of my sentences I did not know how to word everything correctly and properly the first couple of times.

The life-long learning that I will take away from this Capstone Project journey is to not only make good decisions about littering. Also,pollution is not a good thing to do. This Capstone Project has influenced me as a person because now I will not throw my trash on the ground. I will also start taking better care of community by picking up trash and tell others not to litter. In the future when I have children I will make the best decision when they get older I will tell them not to litter.


Thesis Statement: The world is surrounded with things that the citizens have polluted it with.
Many people do not understand not to polluted in the their community. Simone Smith did her Capstone Project on Pollution and the different types of pollution. When it comes to throwing away your trash, you should put the trash in the trash cans. Littering can cause problems to the community, the world, and to people health. Although everyone does not like to recycle their trash, they can start helping put by stop polluting. The world is surrounded with things that the citizens have polluted it with. Pollution is a big problem in the world. It has a lot of effects and affects on the human beings, community, animals, and the world its self. Pollution has been a problem since the appearance of our earliest ancestors.Air Pollution can have serious consequence for the health of human beings, and also severely affects natural ecosystem. It’s a global problem and has been the subject of global cooperation and conflict. Among the many types of air pollutants are nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and organic compound that can evaporate and enter the atmosphere. The biggest causes are the operation of fossil fuel-burning power plants and automobiles that com bust fuel.The degradation of Earth's land surface often caused by human activities and their misuse of land resources. Disposal of urban and industrial wastes, exploitation of minerals, and improper use of soil by inadequate agricultural practices are a few factors.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Annotated Bib.

Soil Pollution is the build-up in soils of persistent toxic compounds which have adverse effects on plant growth and animal health.Soil pollution starts with the flawed concept of throwing trash on the side of a road and throwing out your dustbin on the road. This type of contamination comes from the storage tanks that's underground, oil and fuel dumping, leaching of wastes from fills.

This website shows and tell me about noise pollution how it affects the community. Noise Pollution is when an human, animal, or machine sound that disrupts the community. This type of pollution is founded everywhere. Some noise can harm human or animals ears so this type of pollution is causing health problems. The higher of the noise can cause hearing loss. Noise pollution is also a cause of annoyance.

This website tells me that air pollution causes alot of problem to the human being health. Air Pollution is the disturbance of the composition of compounds in the atmosphere. Air Pollution happens when excess emission of gases vapors into the atmosphere. Examples of air pollution: motor vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, solid waste disposal, and extraction of metals. Some effects of air pollution is global warming, acid rain, smog, and ozone depletion. In relation to this, we may observe the cycle which involves in our daily lives: carbon and nitrogen cycle.

Land Pollution is when an human litters.Urban areas are the most polluted areas. Roads cause sound, air, light, and water in addition to land pollution. Land pollution includes visible litter and waste along with the soil itself being polluted. Land pollution can affect wildlife, plants, and humans in these kinds of ways: Cause problems in the respiratory system, cause problems on the skin, lead to birth defects, and cause various kinds of cancers. It is possible that land pollution might also contaminate the air and/or the water or vice vera.

Water Pollution is when people and industrial put contamiated things in the water. They include poisonous drinking water, poisionous food animals, unbalanced river and lake ecosystems that can no longer support full biological diversity, deforestation from acid rain, and many other effects. These effects are, of course, specific to the various contaminants. Water pollution is usually caused by human activities. Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

.:About Me:.

As a graduating senior of East High School, I want to take this opportunity to provide you with information that has helped mold me into the person who will appear before you today. I was born on September 16,1991 in Memphis,TN. My parents names are Dana Smith and John Hilliard. I am the youngest out of the three children my mother and father had. My mother is a single parent now because my farther died five years ago. My mother influenced me to do my work and work hard so I can have and become something in life. The teachers at East High School recognized that I am a person who try very hard to complete her work. The teachers see that I want something in life. Some of my teachers influenced me to stay focus on my work and do not fool around by not doing my work.

By following my mother and teachers expectations, I became a student who do all her work. As a student, I be on task. I became a successful student. Every once in a while, I made the honor roll during my middle and high school years. In high school, I have join the Mu Alpha Theta club. This experience has led to my goal of attending college and majoring in Accounting.