Thursday, April 29, 2010


When growing up my family always told me that I better not litter. I started polluting when I was about 10 years old. During my Capstone journey I learned a variety of facts that I can use now and in the future when it comes to pollution. I have learned that its not good to litter, because it will cause problems. Making smart decisions are a big impact in my life because if I keep polluting the world will be worst er than now.

I learned many things when my research paper was completed. Such as, pollution can cause health problems and other problems. Also, All types of pollution have effects on the community and the world. It can cause skin problems that are often diagnosed due to land pollution The part of my project that I am most proud of is my research paper because it took some time to put the best information I found together. Also, it took several of times to get my words and sentences correct, as well as, my paragraphs and topics. For some of my sentences I did not know how to word everything correctly and properly the first couple of times.

The life-long learning that I will take away from this Capstone Project journey is to not only make good decisions about littering. Also,pollution is not a good thing to do. This Capstone Project has influenced me as a person because now I will not throw my trash on the ground. I will also start taking better care of community by picking up trash and tell others not to litter. In the future when I have children I will make the best decision when they get older I will tell them not to litter.

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